Frank's Tall Tales #5: Peg Leg Words by Franklin D.R. Horne. Music by Timothy S. Klugh. Music work: "Poker Flat - First Movement: Ode to Lackey, Kentucky" Words: Copyright © 2006 Franklin D.R. Horne. All Rights Reserved. Music: Copyright © 2005 Timothy S. Klugh. All Rights Reserved.
We had a neighbor in Lackey who had a peg leg, and it worked just almost like a good new leg. And, he had whittled that out himself.
And, one day he was hunting back in the woods, and a rattlesnake bit that leg, and it began to swell. Well, he got back to the house, and he took it off, and he throwed it out behind the barn and, uh, just forgot about it and whittled him out another one.
And, after a little while, he went out there to see how the leg was doing, and it had swollen big enough that he could cut enough lumber out of it to make a big chicken coop for his wife.
And, that's the truth,... and that's the rest of the story.