Why Do You Love Me?
Copyright © 2000 Timothy S. Klugh. All Rights Reserved.

Why do you love me? Why do you care When you fought so long to win my heart? Am I worth all the effort you made When the chance seemed so slim at the start?
Many years ago you first saw me, And you knew then we were meant to be. But I did not feel the magic then. Still, you saw something deep within me.
I searched for dreams where dreams could not be. I searched for signs where chances were low, And reaped no reward in fruitless search. For where hopelessness is, love won’t grow.
You watched from the distance wondering Why this stranger’s life had haunted you. It was no choice; you were drawn to me, But I could not see what you just knew.
You chipped through each inch of my large walls. You stood like an angel at the end. Time made it seem you’d never get in, But somehow you knew that you would win.
Well, you have, my dear, though it was hard, I know I did not make it easy. But now I am free and so thankful For your comfort and patience with me.
It seems to me you took on great strife, And it all puzzles me why you tried To take on so much to show your love Unto a pained, lost soul such as I.
(Created: 02/14/2000 Revised: 02/16/2000) Dedication: “Dedicated to Delora D. Klugh on St. Valentine’s Day, 2000.”
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